Friday, 30 September 2011

Hanzala 'Two Jobs' Malik

Labour's Muslim MSP appointee Hanzala Malik is refusing to give up his job as a Glasgow councillor. The man obviously weighs and eats as much as two normal men. Maybe he needs the two salaries. All that food doesn't come cheap.
A DOUBLE-JOBBING Labour MSP has been accused of treating voters “with contempt” for not standing down as a councillor despite a by-election taking place in his ward.

Hanzala Malik, who became a Glasgow list MSP in May, is refusing to quit his £16,234-a-year post as a councillor for Hillhead.

The death of SNP councillor George Roberts means there will be a by-election in Hillhead, which has four councillors in November.

Anxious for a double win, the SNP are putting pressure on Mr Malik, who also earns £57,521 as an MSP, to stand down. Because of the proportional voting system, there would be no extra cost to taxpayers in filling two vacancies instead of one – the votes would simply be counted in a different way.

But Mr Malik, 54, who in 2007 urged an SNP MSP to give up his “inappropriate” second job as a Glasgow city councillor, says he has a “moral duty” to stay until his term ends in 2012.

SNP whip Councillor Graeme Hendry said: “If the rumours are true that Hanzala Malik is refusing to stand down then he is treating the people of Hillhead with contempt.”

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Celtic Player Scott Brown Photographed With SDL Members

The Edinburgh Evening News has a story about Celtic player Scott Brown being photographed with members of the Scottish Defence League (SDL), which the newspaper absurdly refers to as a "fascist group".
CELTIC FC have today vowed to take action to have a photo, which appears to show their captain Scott Brown posing alongside supporters of the far-right Scottish Defence League (SDL), removed from the internet.

Brown, a former Hibs star, was said to be horrified after the picture of him posing with the men - some apparently wearing clothing featuring SDL logos - was posted on an SDL Facebook page.

A comment left under the photo by Graham "SDL" Walker, who appears to have uploaded the snap, reads: "scot brown new menber of the sdl(sic]".

Mr Walker's own Facebook profile page shows two men grasping a Saltire bearing the words "Edinburgh SDL".

Today a spokesman for Celtic said Brown, 26, was "very concerned and disappointed" and said the club would seek to have the offending picture, which was uploaded to Facebook in February this year, removed.

He said the Scotland international had no way of knowing the political views of the group when the picture was taken.

"Anyone can see that Scott Brown simply has been asked to have a photograph taken with people who he does not know.

"It's nonsense to think that Scott Brown should be aware of the political views of everybody who he has had his photograph taken with.

"For anyone to think he would endorse these views is simply ridiculous.

"The club will be taking steps to see what can be done in terms of having the picture removed."

The SDL - whose members describe themselves as "the infidels" - claim to be against the "Islamification" of the UK.

...No-one from the SDL could be contacted for comment today.

How absurd is it that they are threatening to take legal action to prevent publication of a photo that the man clearly willingly posed for?

As the video shows, Scott Brown has a track record of standing up to aggressive Muslims, so it might have been thought that he would be sympathetic to the SDL. Apparently not.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The Scotsman's Naivety About 'the Muslim Community'

One of the most unhealthy expressions of Scottish nationalism is the belief that Muslims here are somehow different from Muslims anywhere else. "We got the good Muslims," the thinking seems to be, or somehow the natural goodness of the Scots rubbed off on the Muslims and made them good too. There is a good example of this kind of naivety today in the Scotsman in an editorial about faith schools:
A problem no-one dares mention might be fears Muslim schools could become dominated by extreme Islamists. Such fears are nonsense as the Muslim community in Scotland wholeheartedly rejects religious extremism. If there were to be faith schools, Muslims have as much right as any group to run them.

To anyone with above-average knowledge of the history and contemporary reality of Islam, this kind of naivety is enough to bring tears to the eyes.

The truth is simple: Muslims are Muslims. Their behaviour is remarkably consistent across the world. The primary determinant of their behaviour is a single variable: how many Muslims there are in a given area in relation to the non-Muslims. As Muslim numbers increase, so does their aggressiveness. If Muslims in Scotland seem less aggressive than Muslims elsewhere, then, it is because there are fewer of them.

The Scotsman editorialist seems to have forgotten that two Muslim schools in Scotland were already shut down after severely critical inspection reports. One of these was the Iqra academy in Glasgow. The final inspection report before it was shut down can be read online here. The extracts below show clearly that the Islamic ethos had a negative impact on the education of the children. Girls were discriminated against, given a different curriculum from the boys. Inappropriate physical punishment was used. There was an emphasis on mindless rote learning of the Koran and languages that have no relevance to life in modern Europe, Arabic and Urdu. There was no proper instruction in physical education and pupils were largely shut off from the world.
In interviews, pupils raised issues which gave the inspection team cause for serious concern about their welfare. Most girls said that they did not enjoy being at the school. Most of the girls said that they had been bullied and none thought that they were treated fairly in school.

...The school had no policy for equal opportunities or for race equality, although it had aims in those areas. There was a lack of fairness in how the girls were treated. It was not only apparent in issues of ethos, but also in the more limited curriculum offered to girls.

...Child protection allegations of the use of corporal punishment and inappropriate sanctions by some staff were brought to the attention of the inspection team, who reported them to the appropriate agency.

...Morale amongst pupils was variable and was particularly poor amongst the girls. They were very unhappy, and stated that the staff did not listen to them and that they had no appropriate avenues for their complaints to be heard.

...The approach to the pastoral care of the girls was unsatisfactory. The girls were dealt with in a negative manner. Such an issue is a serious concern for the well-being of the girls.

...The school was not promoting a healthy lifestyle. Pupils were expected to stay inside the school buildings for significant amounts of time. Girls were not allowed out of the school buildings during the school day, and boarders were only allowed to leave the school premises for a short period at weekends. The girls only did yoga exercises for physical education. Overall, pupils were not being provided with sufficient opportunities to take exercise.

...The school gave a specific focus to Islamic education and related religious observance. All pupils were involved in daily prayers. Boarders were addressed at evening prayers about issues of moral and religious significance.

...There was a lack of opportunities for personal and social development. Opportunities for pupils to develop citizenship in the context of the twenty-first century, and to prepare themselves as British Muslims living in a culturally diverse society, were very limited. At the time of the inspection, pupils were not being given opportunity to mix socially with the community or with pupils from other schools. There were no extra-curricular activities.

..Between the two phases of the inspection the school decided to broaden the curriculum for boys, but not for girls, by introducing ICT and religious studies. PE was also added to the boys’ curriculum.

...The Islamic studies curriculum was similar to the curriculum which the teachers had themselves experienced at various institutions in England and overseas. It provided memorisation of the Quran and the first year of an Alim course for boys, a traditional six-year course preparing boys to lead prayers in the Islamic community. Understanding of the Quran would only be taught from year three upwards. Pupils learned Urdu and Arabic. This approach was in keeping with the school’s view of a traditional experience for boys. The Islamic curriculum for girls was also stated to be a traditional experience. While some of the texts were common for boys and girls, some of the girls’ material was less demanding, and their course was planned to be shorter. That unequal provision was contrary to the school’s declared aims.

...Overall, the secondary and boarding education provided by Iqra Academy was unsatisfactory. The welfare of the school’s pupils was not being suitably safeguarded. The learning and teaching provided was of a very poor quality. The ethos was unsatisfactory. The school was not meeting its stated aims. Management was ineffective.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Muslim Councillor Charged with Assaulting his Wife

LABOUR’S problems in Glasgow have mounted after a party councillor was bailed after being charged with assaulting his wife.

Shaukat Butt MBE, who represents the Govan ward, appeared in court on Friday after he was arrested and detained in custody.

The Labour Party said it would suspend him.

The former JP has been a councillor since 1995 and is a member of various city bodies.

Butt’s political future is now in doubt following his arrest for alleged assault.

The 69-year-old was released on standard bail after appearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court, and the pleading trial has been set for October.

Butt has been ill recently, and it is not known if he wanted to stand in May’s local elections. His suspension means he cannot stand for Labour. As vice-chair of Glasgow Community and Safety Services, Butt said last year: “Violence and crime can have a devastating impact on our communities.”

A spokesman for Scottish Labour said: “This man will be suspended from the Labour Party until the outcome is known and we take these allegations exceptionally seriously.”

Butt said he had “no comment” to make.
Source: Herald

SNP Foreign Aid Recipient Maldives Intensifies Religious Repression

I've written before about how the SNP is giving foreign aid to the Maldives (see here, here and here) and made a specific commitment to this in their manifesto. The Maldives was already ranked one of the most religously repressive Islamic regimes in the world. Now the repression is going to intensify a bit further.
MALE, September 17 (HNS) – President’s Office has gazetted the controversial Religious Unity Regulation, declaring it an offence to preach a religion except Islam in the Maldives.

The 12-clause regulation makes it mandatory for preachers of Islam, both locals and foreigners, to have a first degree in a field of Islamic education from a ministry-approved college, university or centre.

...The regulation also prohibits comments of hatred towards people of other religions, spreading a religion other than Islam and using an object that resembles a sign of a religion other than Islam.

A person who violates the regulation will be sentenced to 2-5 years in prison, banishment or house arrest.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Glasgow Labour Party Reorganised by Brodie the Beagle

The Herald today has some interesting information about civil strife within the Glasgow Labour party:
The bid to bring new talent into the City Chambers, has prompted a fierce backlash among those de-selected, and there are now calls for a critical meeting of the city party next week to be postponed.

There are also questions about the credibility of a key official behind the process, procedures secretary Jamie Mallan, who runs a website pretending to be a dog. The regular online babytalk on his “Brodie the Beagle” Facebook page has raised eyebrows among activists, who believe Mr Mallan is a potential embarrassment to the party.

So Jamie Mallan is "the brains" behind the reorganisation. Let's take a look at his website to gain an impression of his intellect and moral character. Here are a few representative extracts:
You t your left paws in, your left paws out, in, out, in, out, you wag dem all about. You do the Brodie-kokie and you turn around, dats wot its all about!

Don't stop mee nowz, I is having such a good tyme, I iz wagging ma tail!

If yous happy and you noes it clap yous paws! If yous happy and you noes it clap yous paws! If yous happy and you noes it and you wheely want to shows it, if yous happy and you noes it clap yous paws!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Totalitarian Impulse Within the Scottish Government

In response to criticism of the proposed law on bigotry, the Scottish government revealed its totalitarian impulses.
A Scottish Government spokeswoman last night defended the legislation.

She said: "Racism, bigotry and sectarianism have no place in Scotland, and those who perpetrate such behaviour will be punished through the full force of the law. These new laws will send out a clear message that there is no place for bigots in a modern-day Scotland.

"If approved, anyone who peddles sectarian hatred - in any football stadium in Scotland, on the way to or from a game, or hiding behind a computer screen - could now face up to five years in jail."
Source: Scotsman
The phrase "have no place in Scotland" is uniquely expressive of the totalitarian impulse that lies behind this and much other do-gooder legislation. It's not that the Scottish government is alone in this. Many western governments now use similar language routinely and rarely find themselves challenged for it. But they should be.

With the sole exception of immigration policy and the problems that result from it, the idea that a government should decide what does or doesn't have a place in the country is fundamentally sinister. It is not the role of a government to attempt to alter the moral sensibility of its people.

If there are racists in Scotland, then racism has its place in Scotland. If there are morris dancers in Scotland, then morris dancing has its place in Scotland. If there are people who worship Adolf Hitler as some kind of demonic god in Scotland, then Hitler worship has its place in Scotland. It is the people who should decide what does or doesn't have a place in Scotland, not the government.

The notion of regulating a state of mind is also creepily totalitarian. To attempt to do this, or even to talk as if you were doing this, is to create actual or apparent thought crimes. All that a government can legitimately do is prohibit actions, not states of mind. Even if the racist action of denying someone a job on racist grounds, say, is made illegal, racism itself is not. Extending the rhetoric from the action to the state of mind delegitimises and dehumanises a section of the Scottish population. Of course this is the intent. But it is an anti-democratic, totalitarian intent.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

SDL Protest Passes Without Incident

A protest by a far-right group in Edinburgh has ended without incident, police have confirmed.

The Scottish Defence League (SDL) staged a static protest on Saturday after their request to march through the city was turned down by the council.

A counter-rally also took place with groups from across Scotland coming together to under the banner of United Against Fascism (UAF).

The UAF rally, which began at The Mound from 11am, was followed by a march through the city centre involving over 250 participants. Meanwhile, approximately 150 SDL activists gathered for their demonstration at the bottom of Waterloo Place.

Lothian and Borders Police said there was a "substantial" police presence in the city centre, with officers deployed along the route of the UAF march.

The force said that no arrests had been made during the day.

Assistant Chief Constable Iain Livingstone, of Lothian and Borders Police, said: "We are satisfied with the conduct of the vast majority of those who visited Edinburgh for their respective demonstrations.

"The day passed without significant incident and allowed local residents and businesses to go about their day with minimum disruption.

ACC Livingstone went on to thanks the Edinburgh public for their patience and support throughout the event.

He said: "Edinburgh remains a hub for various demonstrations to take place and Lothian and Borders Police have a wealth of experience in facilitating both planned and spontaneous gatherings."

Lothian and Borders Police was supported by colleagues from Strathclyde, Tayside, Fife and Central forces for the operation.

A previous SDL march held in Edinburgh in February 2010 saw five people arrested.
Source: STV

Preparations for the SDL Demo Today

Note the bias in this news clip. They sympathetically interview a member of the UAF (an organisation that exists for no other purpose than to use violence and intimidation against political opponents) but no member of the SDL.

The reporter also describes the SDL (or EDL) as "unashamedly anti-Muslim". This is incorrect. Being anti-Islam is not the same thing as being anti-Muslim. Islam is an ideology. Muslims are people. In any case, the EDL at least (I would assume the SDL follow them in this) insists that it is opposed only to Islamic extremism, not Islam in general.

I disagree with them in this. I think, in its division of the world into two classes of people to whom differential moral standards are applied, Islam is an inherently extreme, conflict-generating ideology. There is no other major ethical system in the world that violates the Golden Rule (do as you would be done by), as Islam does. It's time we started acknowledging the problematical nature of Islam, rather than being cowed by political correctness into uttering only half truths about it.

Friday, 9 September 2011

The All-Embracing Muslim Victimhood Narrative

Since the time of Muhammad, Muslims have justified their aggressions against others by cultivating a baroque victimhood narrative. At times, even the refusal of a group of 'infidels' to accept Islam has been deemed to constitute an 'aggression' against the Ummah, one that justified 'retaliation'. There seems to be nothing that cannot be woven into this narrative of victimhood. It is all-embracing. And, increasingly, as has historically been the case under conditions of dhimmitude, the non-Muslims (at least the Establishment minions) are internalising the Muslim worldview. Here is a perfect example from the Scotsman. The author claims that Muslims were among the principal victims of the September 11th attacks. So even when Muslims murder thousands of infidels in religiously motivated jihad attacks, it is the Muslims who are the victims!
The two elements of Scottish society to be hardest hit by the consequences of al-Qaeda's plot were the armed forces and the Muslim community: one would lose their lives and limbs in an attempt to defeat the group and their allies in Afghanistan; the other would dwell under a cloud of suspicion and prejudice and endure a rise in racist abuse and violence.

"A decade after 9/11, many Muslims in Scotland feel under siege," says Aamer Anwar, a solicitor and human rights activist. "Since the beginning of the 'war on terror' in 2001, the state offered those who follow Islam a choice – either you can be 'good Muslims' and accept Britain's foreign policy in the Middle East and beyond, or, be cast as the 'enemy within' and subjected to endless persecution."
Source: Scotsman

Thursday, 8 September 2011

People from Across Britain Coming to SDL Demo in Edinburgh on Saturday

Look at the extraordinary bias in this article: "bringing fascists from the west of Scotland". Those are the words of the journalist writing the article, not a quote from a UAF member. There is not even a pretence of impartiality.
Assistant Chief Constable Iain Livingstone, who will be in command of the police operation, said there would be a strong police presence in the city centre as both groups assemble.

His comments came as it emerged the Scottish Defence League's rally had also attracted members of an English group called North West Infidels, whose opponents say they are even more right-wing than the English Defence League.

Right-wing protesters are planning to travel from across England and Wales to attend Saturday's SDL march. A Facebook page set up for the event shows members planning journeys from as far afield as London and Clacton in Essex. A coach is due to travel from Teeside, with individual protesters coming from places such as Macclesfield and Deeside in North Wales.

Another coach is also understood to be bringing fascists from the west of Scotland.

The event page says the group plans to gather between 1pm and 4pm, but does not reveal where, although Regent Road is thought to be the most likely site.

The same people who set up the page have also set up a second site on Facebook encouraging members of the North West Infidels to attend.

Spokesman for counter- protest group United Against Fascism, Luke Henderson, said of the group: "A lot of them appear to be coming up to Edinburgh, unfortunately, and they seem to have split from the EDL, saying that they're too moderate.

"It looks like the SDL are coming from across Scotland and the north of England and we're asking the people of Edinburgh to come out and say no to their race hate."

United Against Fascism plans to counter the SDL protest with two separate rallies on Saturday, including speeches from Malcolm Chisholm, MSP and Dave Moxham of the STUC.

In February last year more than 2000 people joined an anti-fascist march through the city when the SDL attempted to protest, but were instead penned in at Jenny Ha's pub in the Royal Mile.

The anti-fascist protesters plan to gather at 11am on The Mound on Saturday for their first rally, and then be escorted by police to a second event at around noon by the Wellington Statue at the east end of Princes Street.

Assistant Chief Constable Livingstone said police were experienced in dealing with both planned and spontaneous events in the city centre.

"In February of last year, we faced a similar situation and policed that occasion very effectively with only minor disruption to the city and a handful of arrests," he said.

"Looking to Saturday, I would like to reassure the people of Edinburgh and visitors to the city that they can go about their business as usual.

"We have followed closely the applications made to City of Edinburgh Council by both SDL and UAF. To anyone involved in organising demonstrations, we look for full co-operation with the police and have no issue with peaceful protest.

"However we will take a very firm line with people who seek to become involved in disorder. Our planning has been detailed, we are well prepared and we will have a strong police presence in the city centre."
Source: Edinburgh Evening News

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Muslim Factions Strengthening Their Hand Within Glasgow Politics

There is a report in the Herald today that describes the weeding out of various Labour councillors in Glasgow. Almost half of the current crop will not be picked for re-election. You have to marvel at the sheer Stalinism of this. Theirs is a political culture so corrupt, so free of ordinary democratic restraints, that change must come about not through the judgement of the electorate or the opinion of local party members, but the arrival of the Man from Moscow (or in this case London).
THE unprecedented sacking by Labour of almost 20 of its councillors on Scotland’s largest local authority will see around half the current administration stand down before next May’s election.

Senior figures within Glasgow City Council’s Labour group have told of colleagues being visibly upset as more have found out the party’s machinery has effectively called a halt to their political careers.

...The cull has been driven by London, with input from some local key players.

One party source said: “The guy from London, Ken Clark, has done this across the London boroughs and knows all the backgrounds of those being interviewed. If he’s in your interview, it’s bad. They’ve been savage and in all my years in politics I’ve never known anything as brutal.”

The Herald also has some indications of who the replacements will be. Several are allied with the Mohammedan faction.
But names are also emerging of potential replacements, including former MSPs Frank McAveety and Bill Butler, ex-councillor Chris Kelly, James Adams, an RNIB campaigns manager who works with Anas Sarwar, Soryia Siddique, a lecturer at Cardonald College, and Aileen McKenzie, another ally of the Sarwar dynasty.
Source: The Herald

The SNP, of course, is no better and probably much worse. With several figures formerly prominent within the Glasgow SNP resigning recently, it looks as though the Muslim faction, with Nicola Sturgeon as its dhimmi figurehead, has fought and won a civil war within the ranks of the local party.
SNP hopes of winning Glasgow in next year’s council elections have suffered a further setback with the resignation of another party official amid bitter infighting over strategy.

Ari Mack quit as convener of the SNP’s Glasgow Regional Association (GRA).

His departure follows that of GRA Secretary Shona McAlpine and GRA vice-convenor Norman MacLeod in recent weeks, after a series of internal rows about how many candidates to field next May.

This seems innocent enough. Then we learn what the dispute is really about.
One SNP source claimed the fighting was being driven by supporters of Sturgeon, many from the Asian community, who had joined the party in the expectation of getting the chance to stand as candidates.

...A Labour source added: “The long-running feud between Nicola Sturgeon’s faction and the rest of the Glasgow SNP is bubbling up yet again. The SNP are clearly more interested in putting party interests before the people of Glasgow.”
Source: The Herald

One of the Glasgow SNP's recently departed, Shona McAlpine, dared to challenge the Muslim faction a couple of years ago after it was caught engaging in Tower-Hamlets style membership fakery.
Jahangir Hanif was asked to explain irregularities over new members signed up as he tried to win support to stand in the Holyrood elections.

The SNP members' department began asking questions after people who supposedly signed membership forms claimed to have no knowledge of joining the party.

West Scotland activist Shona McAlpine - who received the query - then demanded answers on the anomalies from Hanif, a Glasgow city councillor.

In a series of emails to Hanif, she commented: "This isn't good enough. If the media get hold of the fact we are falsly (sic) signing people up they would have a field day.
"Can you tell me if any of the others you have sent are real members or just ones you have made up?" Controversial Hanif - who was dubbed the Kalashnikov Councillor when he trained his children to fire an assault rifle during a visit to Pakistan - last night denied any wrongdoing.

He played down McAlpine's concerns, saying she had wrongly assumed he was connected to the irregularities in the membership list.

Hanif said: "She panics on every little thing. She got a whole bunch of people and assumed I had signed them up. She panicked when she got all these people.

"I didn't falsify a single form. I don't believe in doing that. I think she has panicked and mixed things up.
Source: Daily Record

Shona McAlpine earned the ire of the Muslim faction. And now she is gone.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Muslim Paedophile Demands Compensation From Scottish Government

PAEDOPHILE Mahmood Qadri’s anti-smoking writ could end up costing Scots taxpayers up to £16million.

The pervert, jailed for seven years for abusing two young girls at the mosque where he worked, claims his “human dignity” has been infringed by passive smoking behind bars.

Papers lodged at Glasgow Sheriff Court claim he suffered “significant and prolonged physical and mental distress” after being forced to share a cell with smokers.

Qadri, 63, wants £10,000 compensation and human rights experts last night warned his test case, if successful, could lead to a flood of claims from non-smoking inmates.

There are an estimated 1600 non-smokers among Scotland’s 7800 prison population. If they are awarded similar compensation, the final bill could top £16million.

...Qadri, an ex-mosque teacher, says he made several complaints about having to share cells with smokers at prisons in Edinburgh and Dumfries but “no prompt action” was taken to resolve the issue.

His court papers claim: “At times he found it difficult to breathe.

“The smoke caused him to cough, he found it difficult to sleep and would hold his blanket over his face at night to try to avoid breathing in the smoke. The pursuer found it extremely ­uncomfortable and distressing to be subjected for such ­considerable periods of time to passive smoking.

“He suffered significant physical and mental distress due to prolonged periods of exposure to passive smoking.”

Qadri is awaiting a decision on whether he has secured legal aid before a date can be fixed for any future hearing.

The fiend was convicted three years ago of abusing his young victims during Koran lessons at Edinburgh’s Polwarth Mosque. He had been due to appear at the High Court in 2005 but headed to Pakistan claiming he was doing charity work. He was eventually caught in Germany.
Source: Daily Record