Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
A double entry (!)- ohhh errr Super Amazing and Manic Mums Peeping Tom MEME!!!
Well hello everyone!
Right, it is spring, and along with the lambs a leaping and the (b*st*rd) birds at 4am a tweeting, Manic Mum and I are about to spring a new idea on you all too. We have had to go in on this one together, pool the effort, as our brain/inspirations/effort/will to live are rather depleted with 7 kids between us, at an all time low, you may say. But we say HA! Watch us work some magic together...
Anyway, here is how it works (we're keeping it brief like my husband's undies, he'll kill me when he reads that!)
We are asking you to write your real life true love story you have the next 2 weeks to do it-the linky will be open for 2 weeks.
*Here’s the ‘meme’ name, and the instructions-so get your marigolds on, (or don’t, totally your choice) and get typing, include a picci if you can, so we can all see your beautiful faces.
* The meme name is ‘Peeping Tom’
* Cut and paste the html for the badge onto your blog, or copy the badge picture, and do it that way if you prefer.
* Cut and paste the html for the badge onto your blog, or copy the badge picture, and do it that way if you prefer.
* Link up to the linky thing below, so we all get to read it, and obviously write your very own true love, real life story.
* Then write either or a 'comment' on this blog, to let us know you've joined in,
* OR you can 'twitter' us @superamazingmum, @manicmum4 to let us know.
This is all very new, and we are 'going with it' to see where you/it takes us...
We are already just too excited to read this first one we are giving you the title for 'my real life, true-love story' you can see Tamsyn's @ , and don't forget to watch out for mine on the 1st May which just so happens to be my wedding anniversary!!!
There you go, that's it- now it's down to you guys, may the force be with you...!
See you all soon,
Love SAM and Manic mum. xxx
* Then write either or a 'comment' on this blog, to let us know you've joined in,
* OR you can 'twitter' us @superamazingmum, @manicmum4 to let us know.
This is all very new, and we are 'going with it' to see where you/it takes us...
We are already just too excited to read this first one we are giving you the title for 'my real life, true-love story' you can see Tamsyn's @ , and don't forget to watch out for mine on the 1st May which just so happens to be my wedding anniversary!!!
There you go, that's it- now it's down to you guys, may the force be with you...!
See you all soon,
Love SAM and Manic mum. xxx
How to save money the Super Amazing Mum way!!!
I’m trying to win an iPad 2 in the iSave, iWrite, iPad competition from!
Eight years ago, I had a huge salary, drove a convertible and dined out in the best restaurants. Then I had kids and my world changed. I gave up a career I loved in order to be a SAHM and although the pay was 100% less, the rewards were 100% more.
HAW left a very well paid job in 2005 to set up his own business. With his change of career came the loss of huge bonuses so we have really had to watch the pennies in order for me to have the luxury of being a SAHM.
Here are my top 10 tips for saving the pennies without sacrificing on quality whilst still enjoying life!
1) Make your food go further. We used to cook a chicken, eat the breast and then throw the rest away! Now a whole chicken is used for a roast and then I boil up the carcass with root veg and herbs which makes a lovely stock which is then used as the basis for soup/risotto.
2) Buy cheaper cuts of meat - I refuse to feed my children intensively farmed meat that is full of hormones. We go to our local responsibly sourced butcher and by buying cheaper cuts of good quality meat we get amazing quality at a good price. Good cuts to try are Pork Belly (amazing crackling), Beef Shin, Lamb Breast (I roll this with sausagmeat, rosemary and thyme for an amazing roast) and Oxtail. Beef Rib trim and cheeks are also great buys.
3) Charity Shops. I have picked up some amazing bargains from a brand new black Joseph crochet full length cardigan (£25, original ticket of £400 still on!) to lots of lovely bits for the kids. The better the area, the better the quality of charity shop. Give the kids £1 to buy whatever they want. This means I get to look in peace whilst they weigh up the merits of a naked action man for 30p vs the 50p spaceship. It keeps them occupied and teaches them a valuable lesson at the same time about being frugal!
4)Car Boot Sales. Now the idea of this fills me with dread, but financial reward spurs me on. I honestly can't believe what people buy at these things and very soon you'll be counting out the hundreds (yes hundreds!) of pounds profit. Everything from baby baths to old clothes. It soon adds up!
5)Parenting websites - Try and where not only can you get impartial (sometimes!) advice but you can use the for sale/wanted boards. I have bought and sold several things in this way. I adore Mountain Buggies (upward of £800 new but got a second hand one for £200 which I then re-sold 2 years later on ebay for £260 - bargainlicious!). Another great source when starting out is the NCT. Their sales are legendary!
6) I can't abide companies that charge you a premium rate to contact them. This website is great as it lists all the offenders and gives you their alternative numbers - but not at a premium!
7) Always, google for a discount code. The majority of companies will have an introductory offer or free P+P. A quick shout out on twitter recently enabled me to get 25% off an internet shop. Use social media to your advantage, I complained about a year old faulty printer and the company responded by sending me a brand new one. I was VERY impressed.
8) Market Research – Giving your opinion and getting paid for it is a great way to discover news things and earn a bit of cash. If you blog then then offer reviews on your blog. I do a few each month for things I am interested in and love doing it!
9) Be a canny shopper!
This sounds boring I know, but I have saved hundreds by budgeting and planning. Rather than aimlessly wandering around waitrose picking up £12 bottles of olive oil (without realising) I now check the price ticket (how obvious) and see if it fits within my budget. Shop daily as it means you can get the daily bargains and consequently waste less. Yesterday I popped into Waitrose and got a rib of beef for £7 (down from £24) this will make an amazing roast with lots leftover for sandwiches and a stirfry for all 5 of us.
10) Enter competitions....(you never know I could win an ipad just for writing this post, I'll keep you updated if I do!!). Some people are serial compers, I say get a life and enter ones you fancy as and when. I LOVE blogger competitions as not only do you discover new bloggers you could win something by just doing so!
Peace and Love
S.A.M xxxx
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Scotland's Population Soars As a Result of Immigration
The Scotsman today reports that Scotland's population is approaching its highest ever level as a result of immigration:
Undoubtedly the rise in birth will be driven by immigration too. This is the pattern all across Europe, in which immigrants, particularly third-world immigrants, outbreed the indigenous population.
Note that only a small proportion of the immigrants to Scotland are from the rest of the UK. Most are from overseas, almost certainly primarily third worlders, although the report gives no precise indication of country of origin.
The SNP were delighted by the news and demanded more powers over immigration so that Scotland could become even more immigrant-friendly:
SCOTLAND'S population is on course to reach its highest level ever, with new figures showing that the country now has more than 5.22 million inhabitants - the largest number since 1977.
Rising immigration and the number of births exceeding deaths by the biggest margin for almost 20 years has contributed to the population soaring to 5,222,100 in mid-2010, a rise of 28,100 on the previous year.
Official projections now forecast that next year the population will surpass Scotland's all-time high of 5.24 million, which was recorded in 1974. In 2012, the population will reach 5.25 million, making the country more crowded than ever before.
Undoubtedly the rise in birth will be driven by immigration too. This is the pattern all across Europe, in which immigrants, particularly third-world immigrants, outbreed the indigenous population.
Note that only a small proportion of the immigrants to Scotland are from the rest of the UK. Most are from overseas, almost certainly primarily third worlders, although the report gives no precise indication of country of origin.
Yesterday's figures released by the National Records of Scotland were more proof that the country has turned around a population decline that was a source of anxiety at the beginning of this century. The population has increased by 167,300 since mid-2002, when it hit its lowest level since the Second World War.
According to the statistics, immigration exceeded emigration by 25,000 in the 12 months up to the middle of last year.
Analysis of the net migration gain of 25,000 showed that in the 12 months to mid-2010, there was a net gain of 3,300 from the rest of the UK added to a net gain of 21,500 from overseas.
The SNP were delighted by the news and demanded more powers over immigration so that Scotland could become even more immigrant-friendly:
The figures were welcomed by the SNP, which argued that the influx of more talent would help the economy.
An SNP spokesman said: "A growing population will help fuel our economic recovery.
The SNP believes Scotland should have responsibility for immigration policy, and should have an earned citizenship system similar to those in Canada or Australia, allowing us to attract highly skilled workers who can further boost prosperity."
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
It's all about ME.....
One of my most favourite bloggers in the whole wide world is the gorgeous Tamsyn over at Manic Mum. She is a kindered spirit and makes me laugh, a lot. Go check her blog out people..............
Anyway, she has tagged me in an without further ado let the interview commence......
If you could go back in time to relive one moment, what would it be?
Oh for goodness sake, why do these questions have to be so "deep". It would be far easier if you could ask me what my favourite chocolate bar was!! Now, let's see, HAW and I were in a secret romance for a while and I gatecrashed a boys holiday to Ibiza. We were staying in the most fabulous bohemian villa in the hills and had a wonderful moment in the swimming pool (not *that* sort of moment, get your minds out of the gutter purlease) where we just connected. We both knew at that moment that fate had something in store for us.
However the best weekend of my life was our wedding weekend (yes weekend, it started Friday lunchtime and finished Sunday teatime). It was a real rock and roll affair in the country with lots of late night singing, laughing and fabulous memories were created. It was amazing even if I do say so myself, but then I was Bridzilla and planned it in military fashion!
I would LOVE to go back in time as it was such a special time.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
I wouldn't change a single thing....things happen for a reason, you are the master of your own destiny and you need to learn from your mistakes and grow. A wise person once told me that you have 2 ears and one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you speak. I like that a LOT. The same wise person also told me that there is nothing wrong in making mistakes but there is something wrong if you can't admit them and learn from them. I also like that a LOT as well!
What movie or TV character do you think you resemble most in personality?
Monica from Friends
Marmalade Atkins
Miss Piggy
Goldie Hawn
Which TV or movie character would you like to be?
No question about it, I would love to be Linda Carter. I *was* her when I was younger don't you know......
No question about it, I would love to be Linda Carter. I *was* her when I was younger don't you know......
If you could push one person in the whole world off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
That would be telling..................shhhhhh
Seriously, I wouldn't have the balls to do that, would anyone?!! I would just stand on the edge, faffing about and then chicken out.....but if I really could muster up the balls to do so it would be the bastard (excuse my french) who attacked me and 2 friends years ago on our first ever holiday without grown ups. It ruined a lovely friendship and traumatised me for a long, long time.
Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
I wish I could stop picking the kids tea - my waistline would thank me for it.
Describe yourself in one word.
Describe the person who named you in this MEME in one word.
She is amazing, makes me laugh a lot and we have lots and lots in common.
Why do you blog? Answer in one sentence.
Because my memory is appalling!
Name at least 3 people or more to send this MEME, and then inform them.
I choose the following:
Love and Peace
S.A.M xxx
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Potty Training - The Slattern's Way!!
One of my real life friends is Choc0range . In fact, we spent New Years Eve dancing on tables and quaffing champagne until 5am at Kensington Roof Gardens. It was a great night with lots of laughs and very sore heads the next day! Her gorgeous little boy and my gorgeous little girl are very close in age and we have both embarked on potty training at the same time.
You can read about her attempt here Day One - Chocorange which is Gina Ford based. Firstly, let me tell you that I am a massive fan of Gina Ford - her routines have been golden for all 3 of my children and Pixie still sleeps 2 hours in the day which is magic for me.
When I was potty training Beansy 6 years ago, I followed Gina to the tee (a la Chocorange) and he was on and off that potty every 15 minutes, with star charts and treats. I was housebound for the week (cancelled all trips out) but by heck he got it and after 5 days he was totally dry through the day and night......
Bobo was next up and 3 years ago it was his turn - I followed Gina Lite for him, quite simply because I had a 4 year old that was at nursery and I was also pregnant with Pixie so couldn't be chained to the house. Guess what? It worked and he was also dry day and night after 5 days.
Now for my little Pixie, I just can't be bothered with the potty on every floor of the house (3) one in the bedroom, one in the loo, one for the car, one for buggy, one for the garden, I can't be bothered to make a star chart, sit her on the potty every 15 minutes, ask her every guess what?! I haven't.............
She has been a superstar (go Pixie!) I quite simply told her yesterday that she is a big girl now and that big girls wear knickers. She totally accepted that and has only had 1 accident in 2 days and this is her 2nd night without a nappy.
We went out to a friends house this morning no spare knickers, no spare clothes, no potty and she got on the loo and did her business. So, there is an alternative - save yourself the bother of star charts, numerous pottys and being housebound!!
I am meeting up with chocorange tomorrow for a play date so no doubt Pixie will show me up by curling one out on the lawn!!!
Peace and Love
S.A.M xx
Monday, 25 April 2011
London a Paki Holding Cell
Cameron Reilly, a Scots Guard soldier deployed to guard Buckingham Palace described London as a "Paki holding cell" on his Facebook page. The soldier, from East Kilbride, is now being investigated by his regiment for this and other controversial remarks.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
More on the Maldives
I've been reading up on the persecution of Christians and other non-Muslims in the Maldives in light of the fact that the SNP is giving Scottish taxpayers' money to it.
Open Doors, a charity that campaigns for persecuted Christians worldwide, ranks the Maldives 6th in its list of countries where the persecution of Christians is worst!
All citizens must be Muslims in this archipelago. Legislation forbids the practice of any religion except Islam; churches are forbidden; and the import of Christian literature is prohibited. New regulations governing religious practice were unveiled by the government in 2010, and stricter policies were also imposed on tourists after some were caught bringing in Bibles. The few indigenous believers are isolated from one other and are monitored both by the authorities and the locals.
In 2010 a teacher from India was forced to flee the Maldives after angry parents tried to attack her. They accused her of attempting to spread Christianity because she had drawn a cross on the blackboard to teach the children the directions of the compass!
The Maldives, which is at the forefront of a campaign to get the international community to act on a looming global warming crisis, has a more immediate problem on hand. A rising tide of religious extremism is driving this tropical paradise of a low-lying string of islands down the road to a new conservatism.
What is more, the spread of militant Islam in the country and the appeal of a radical strain of Islam are drawing Maldivian youth into global jihadi groups.
"Hundreds of Maldivians" have been recruited by the Taliban and are fighting in Pakistan, Maldivian President Mohammed Nasheed told the CNN-IBN news channel during his recent visit to India.
A puritanical version of Islam has taken root. Signs of conservatism are more evident on the streets of the capital, Male, today than they were even a few years ago. The number of burqa-clad women has been increasing steadily as has that of bearded men.
Forum 18 reports that even migrant workers are denied religious freedom:
Just as Maldivian citizens do not have the right to religious freedom – Sunni Islam in the state-approved form is the only permitted faith – migrant workers too are denied this right. The Maldives prevents the import of non-Muslim books and other religious items, for example by searching foreigners' luggage for "un-Islamic" materials. Migrant workers are banned from practising non-Muslim faiths even privately, while the lack of privacy in which many live makes it almost impossible to worship "unnoticed by locals", as one migrant worker put it to Forum 18 News Service. Some 80,000 migrant workers – mostly Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and Hindus from South Asia – make up about a quarter of the country's population, but are mostly in low-status jobs and find it difficult to challenge human rights violations. The government has not acted on United Nations recommendations to grant migrant workers religious freedom.
SNP Giving Foreign Aid to Islam-Dominated Country Where Other Religions Are Prohibited By Law
Reading through the SNP's 2011 manifesto, I was struck by one section which discussed the SNP's grant of foreign aid to "developing nations". Special support seems to be lavished on the Maldives. Their manifesto says this:
Not knowing much about the Maldives, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Surprise, surprise: it turns out to be an Islam-dominated country where strict sharia is in force.
So the SNP is wasting taxpayers' money supporting one of the most rigid Islamic regimes on earth! Cardinal Keith O'Brien recently called for foreign aid to made contingent on respect for religious pluralism. But this is clearly not a priority for the SNP.
And we will increase our efforts to support developing nations
as they respond to the challenges of climate change. We have
heard the calls from many for Scotland to create a Climate
Adaptation Fund. Given the pressures on the Scottish
Government’s budget we will work with partners in business,
charitable foundations and non-governmental organisations so
we can co-ordinate efforts to build a Scotland-wide climate
adaptation fund. And as part of our commitment to climate
mitigation we will take forward initiatives to share Scottish
knowledge, skills and expertise.
We have recently announced funding for an innovative scheme,
in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, to deliver
community-owned and maintained solar panels to provide
access to renewable energy in rural Malawi. This is delivering
skills, revenue and health improvements in the communities
involved, and the next stage is looking at further requirements
for trials ahead of a potential scaling up of the project. This is
exactly the sort of action we believe is needed to deliver local
energy solutions as part of our contribution to global action on
climate change.
We will support the Maldives to develop renewable marine
energy and go carbon neutral by 2020, and we will take
forward our recently-signed agreement with the InterAmerican
Development Bank (IDB) to promote Scottish expertise in the
development of clean energy technology and
projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. And, we will
further develop Scotland-Malawi links, with a particular focus
on food production and food science in the face of climate
change. The Moredun Institute will work with Malawi to take
forward this important work.
Not knowing much about the Maldives, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Surprise, surprise: it turns out to be an Islam-dominated country where strict sharia is in force.
Islam is the only official religion of The Maldives. The open practice of all other religions is forbidden and such actions are liable to prosecution under the law of the country. A small but growing number of Maldivians do question their faith, using the internet as a means of communication but rarely in a public way. According to the revised constitution, in article two, it says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam." Article nine says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives"; number ten says that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied in the Maldives." Article nineteen states that "citizens are free to participate in or carry out any activity that is not expressly prohibited by sharia or by the law."
The requirement to adhere to a particular religion and prohibition on public worship in other religions is contrary to Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which the Maldives has recently become party and was thus addressed in the Maldives' reservation in adhering to the Covenant claiming that "The application of the principles set out in Article 18 of the Covenant shall be without prejudice to the Constitution of the Republic of the Maldives."
The Maldives is one of the countries which tops the government restrictions index on religious freedom.
So the SNP is wasting taxpayers' money supporting one of the most rigid Islamic regimes on earth! Cardinal Keith O'Brien recently called for foreign aid to made contingent on respect for religious pluralism. But this is clearly not a priority for the SNP.
What Their 2011 Manifestos Say About The Immigration Policies of Scotland's Political Parties
In view of the upcoming election, I have been looking through the manifestos of the various political parties in Scotland to see what they have to say about immigration and islamification. In relation to the major parties, the SNP, the Conservatives, Lib Dhims and Labour, the answer - surprise, surprise - is nothing. The words immigration, immigrant, Islam and Muslim are not mentioned anywhere in the manifestos of the four major parties, despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that all of them agree immigration is a good thing.
The Lib Dhims do offer a brief mention of asylum seekers. They will:
Labour says this about discrimination:
The Scottish Greens have this to say about asylum seekers:
It's notable that the SNP are now apparently dispensing foreign aid to third world countries. So Scottish taxpayers are being mugged once for foreign aid at the British level and then again at the Scottish level. I will discuss this in a separate post.
Only UKIP and the BNP talk about immigration explicitly in their manifestos. UKIP says this:
As you would expect, the BNP talk quite a bit about immigration:
The Lib Dhims do offer a brief mention of asylum seekers. They will:
Continue to work with the UK Government to ensure an integrated and sensitive approach to the treatment of asylum seekers, particularly in cases where children are involved, and ensure that asylum seekers have access to good legal advice early on and throughout the asylum process.
Labour says this about discrimination:
Scottish Labour will tackle racial or religious
prejudice, intolerance and discrimination,
not only because of the impact on the lives
of those who experience it, but because it
holds us back as a nation. We will support
initiatives to tackle racial and religious
discrimination in the workplace and in
communities and will continue support for
schemes that celebrate the diversity of
Scotland’s culture and its people. Scottish
Labour will conduct a review of the Scottish
Refugee Integration Strategy to reflect
on the effectiveness of current action and
to explore how integration work can be
sustained and developed.
The Scottish Greens have this to say about asylum seekers:
Global injustice and war lead to people coming to
Scotland as asylum seekers and refugees. Scotland must
welcome those fleeing persecution in their own countries,
while working to tackle the forces that persecute people.
We’ll deliver devolved services that take the rights and needs
of asylum seekers and refugees seriously, as well as putting
pressure on the UK Government to provide a genuinely
humane asylum system.
We’ll support moves to build a coalition of countries and
regions willing to adopt a policy of boycotts, disinvestment
and sanctions in relation to the Israeli Government to
encourage an end to illegal settlements and negotiations on
a final status for a Palestinian state. Some aspects of this can
be taken forward immediately in Scotland through public
procurement measures which are already under devolved
It's notable that the SNP are now apparently dispensing foreign aid to third world countries. So Scottish taxpayers are being mugged once for foreign aid at the British level and then again at the Scottish level. I will discuss this in a separate post.
Only UKIP and the BNP talk about immigration explicitly in their manifestos. UKIP says this:
Restrict immigration so Scotland will be for the Scots and the British first
End Labour’s mass immigration, which let in three million in 13 years.
Freeze permanent settlement for five years to sort out the system.
Increase Border Agency staffing as necessary to control immigration.
Introduce strict visa controls.
Admit key workers only, for fixed periods only.
Deport illegal immigrants and foreign criminals.
Require all citizens to learn English.
Publish all official communications in Gaelic
or English only.
Scrap State promotion of multiculturalism.
As you would expect, the BNP talk quite a bit about immigration:
This is another reason for the significant hikes in council tax bills (which, not surprisingly coincided with a massive increase of immigration to this country,
again, with the blessing of the SNP).
The presence of ‘cheap’ East European labour (which proponents claim brings
economic benefit) in reality only adds to the cost of providing essential services,
at a time of high native unemployment. In addition, this influx has increased local
unemployment and benefit dependency amongst our own poor, which in turn
increases the burden borne by our taxpayers.
Lastly, local authorities have implemented a range of costly politically-correct
schemes and grants to ethnic minority and multi-cultural groups, causes, projects
and initiatives, including foreign language courses and interpreters. The SNP
has frequently been at the forefront of these initiatives, which well demonstrate
the bogus nature of its claim to support the national interests of Scotland and the Scottish people.
No half term is complete without a trip to A+E right???!
I don't remember going to hospital much as a child, so either I have accident prone kids, we have more medical knowledge as parents or I am far more cautious as a parent than my mum ever was (probably a bit of everything actually).
Over the past 8 years I have been up to A+E several times either in the middle of the night or on dr's orders for various ailments including very high temperatures, suspected urine infections, split lips and a huge gash on Beau Bo's cheek that required plastics to stitch up (he now has a very cool action man stylee scar).
On Thursday we met friends in the local park for a picnic lunch, we steered clear on the swings and instead went to the huge meadow/field in order to the kids could just run, play, explore. They built camps, went hunting for mini beasts, played tennis, football and rugby and rolled down the hill several times. The children ranged from 7 years old to 8 months and it was just lovely to watch them all interacting and having good old fashioned fun.
It got to about 4pm and I was just packing up to go when Beau Bo cried out, he then started to scream and I knew instantly that he was hurt. I ran over to where he was and his foot was covered in blood (yes they were all barefoot as were we) the cut was quite deep and so I thought we needed to go to the Dr for it to be cleaned up.
A lovely lady gave me a tea towel to stem the blood and off we set (thank goodness I had the car). We got to the Dr's who sent us straight to A+E which was something I was hoping to avoid as I didn't have the buggy and Pixie was overtired, Beansy was hungry and poor old Beau Bo was in pain and I wanted him sorted ASAP.
Luckily for us we were seen quite quickly, he was x-rayed, steri stitched and given strict instructions to not put any pressure on his foot for 48 hours and to keep it clean, dry and raised.
Here's the boy - in heaven as it means I have let him play Wii for hours and hours!!!!! Donkey Kong rocks although he is getting a wee bit frustrated now. We are back on Tuesday to see if it has worked. He is definately my wounded soilder, he now has 3 scars at the age of 4 - His action man one, one on his lip from when he split his lip at school on a milk crate and now this one on his foot. Please God, no more!|
Happy Easter Everyone!
Peace and Love
Friday, 22 April 2011
We were lucky enough to get a sneak preview on Wednesday of the new Age of the Dinosaur exhibition at the Natural History Museum. We LOVE the Natural History Museum and have spent many a happy hour just wandering around so we were all looking forward to seeing this new exhibition.
Here's what they have to say:
"Travel back 65 million years to Jurassic swamps and Cretaceous deserts. Meet life-size, moving animatronic dinosaurs and other strange creatures among the smells and sounds of prehistoric lands"
We arrived and were taken up to the entrance of the exhibition, where my boys embarrassed the hell out of me by squealing "Look mum, juice and biscuits and it's all FREE, FREE mum, did you hear that FREE?" as they then processed to scoff more biscuits than their own body weight.
We then entered the exhibition to be greeted by a replica T-Rex footprint which measured 81cm by 74cm and dates back 67 to 65 million years. The original was found in New Mexico.
We then went on a dinosaur discovery journey that was both informative and fun. There were lots to keep the boys amused and I was particularly impressed by the interactive activities that captivated the boys, they were easy to use and offered lots of variety.
Moving on, the lights dimmed as we entered the Dinosaur Zone, we had heard roars and the boys were thrilled to come face to face with real life, moving dinosaurs. Pixie on the other hand was terrified and spent the whole time in her buggy hiding under her blanket.
The animatronic dinosaurs are great, very realistic and the highlight was definitely the Tarbosaurus (which we initially thought was T-Rex) which we watched for about 10 minutes. At the end of the exhibition you can then build you own dinosaur scrap book on the interactive console and by scanning in your ticket you are able to retrieve this once you are at home. We are yet to do this (due to a visit to A+E yesterday but watch this space!).
The only negative thing about this exhibition is that the exit (like many attractions) is into a dinosaur gift shop. I really wish that attractions wouldn't do this as it spoils a perfectly lovely day by putting the pressure on to buy a souvenir. At £5 for a pen (!) or £15 for my three kids, this was something that most of us can't afford to do. Please take note NHM and offer small pocket money gifts resulting in happy kids and happy parents!!
The exhibition runs from 22nd April - 4th September 2011 and costs £10 per adult, £6 per child or £28 per family. Under 4's are free, usual concessions apply.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Rangers Striker Admires Gaddafi
The Scotsman today has a few extracts from an interview with the Muslim Rangers striker El Hadji Diouf:
Gaddafi is a man I've always admired.
I'm telling the truth. I know him and I know Seif, his son. They are my friends. But frankly I don't really know what is happening in Libya, but it must be very hard for Gaddafi and his family.
I say that, Inch'Allah (Allah willing) victory will go to whoever is right.
I can't be far away from what is happening in these countries. I don't know who is right and who is wrong but it's a shame to see so many victims.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Scottish BNP Reported To Electoral Commission Because Of Muslim Claims
The Herald has a story about the BNP being reported to the Electoral Commission because of a leaflet distributed in Scotland which claimed that there were now more Muslims in the UK than Scots.
Note this figure of 2.4 million for the Muslim population of Britain is certainly out of date. That is the figure from 2008 and their population has been growing at around 100,000 - 150,000 per year. Pew Research estimated that the Muslim population of Britain was 2.9 million in 2011. See here for more information about Muslim demographics in the UK and links to relevant sources of information.
Actually I'd say it was damning evidence of the extent to which the Utopian establishment has been able to threaten and intimidate people with the battery of tools at their disposal, including physical assault from state-friendly brownshirt brigades like the UAF, prosecution by the state and the fear of being dismissed from one's job because of political opinions. These are the very same techniques that the Utopians used in Eastern Europe to successfully suppress popular feeling for decades.
Muslims could feel threatened by reading that there are more Muslims than Scots in the UK? These Muslims are certainly some delicate flowers, aren't they?
A pamphlet was put through letterboxes across Scotland which said the BNP would put an end to mosque-building and warning of a “flood” of Eastern European immigrants about to arrive in Scotland.
Campaign group, Hope Not Hate, has reported the party over its claims. There are an estimated 2.4 million Muslims in Britain and more than five million people in Scotland alone, 89% of whom declared themselves Scottish in the last census.
Note this figure of 2.4 million for the Muslim population of Britain is certainly out of date. That is the figure from 2008 and their population has been growing at around 100,000 - 150,000 per year. Pew Research estimated that the Muslim population of Britain was 2.9 million in 2011. See here for more information about Muslim demographics in the UK and links to relevant sources of information.
The far-right BNP is planning to field a record number of candidates in the next Holyrood and Westminster elections, but the Sunday Herald can reveal that a shortage of candidates has meant Nick Griffin’s daughter Jenny has been forced to stand in English, Welsh and Scottish elections under her married name, Jennifer Matthys.
Opponents said it was damning evidence of the BNP’s lack of support.
Actually I'd say it was damning evidence of the extent to which the Utopian establishment has been able to threaten and intimidate people with the battery of tools at their disposal, including physical assault from state-friendly brownshirt brigades like the UAF, prosecution by the state and the fear of being dismissed from one's job because of political opinions. These are the very same techniques that the Utopians used in Eastern Europe to successfully suppress popular feeling for decades.
Aamer Anwar, human rights lawyer, said Muslims could be intimidated by the leaflets and they should call the police if they felt threatened. He said: “This could be considered breach of the peace. It’s racist nonsense which is totally inaccurate and trying to play on people’s fears.”
Muslims could feel threatened by reading that there are more Muslims than Scots in the UK? These Muslims are certainly some delicate flowers, aren't they?
BNP Scottish organiser Gary Raikes said the leaflets were checked before going out and questioned whether the UK’s Muslim population had been accurately measured.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Scottish Taxpayer Financing Muslim, Pro-Burka Propaganda
The Herald today continues an interview with Samina Ansari, a Muslim campaigner, who has made a film to promote burka-wearing and show that the women who wear it do so of their own free will. She claims she was inspired to this by a "racist" and "islamophobic" attack:
Muslims have a track record of making up stories like this so we cannot be sure that it even happened. In any case, she says the alleged incident inspired her to make a film to portray burka wearing in a positive light. The film, Hijab – The Light Behind the Veil, was made under the auspices of the Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre and can be seen here.
The film as a whole can be considered a work of propaganda. It shows happy, smiling Muslim women, including, pitifully, some indigenous converts, all talking about how great and "empowering" it is to be wearing a burka or hijab.
But it also contains clear political propaganda. The French decision to ban the burka is denounced, for example:
So the two-thirds of the British people who favour a burka ban according to opinion polls aren't "open-minded" or "democratic"?
Much of it could be considered not just pro-burka but pro-Islam propaganda:
"So what?" you might say. They're entitled to express their point of view. But let's look at where this organisation gets its funding from. According to their 2009 Annual report, the most recent one on their website, their sources of funding were:
Grant Income 257,083
Donations & Fundraising 7,202
Bank Interest 788
Total Incoming Resources 265,073
So almost all of their income comes from the Scottish taxpayer. The Scottish taxpayer is now paying for the making of Muslim propaganda films.
And why is the taxpayer even paying for a Muslim Women's Resource Centre anyway? Should we really be providing public services on a religiously discriminatory basis? Do we have Catholic Women's Resource Centres? Protestant Women's Resource Centres? Wee Free Women's Resources Centres? No, we encourage Catholics, Protestants and Wee Frees to see themselves as citizens of a unified country by providing services on a non-discriminatory basis. Why don't we do that with Muslims too?
Glasgow-born Samina Ansari and her loved ones were assaulted because she was wearing a traditional Islamic hijab, which covers the hair, but not the face.
It happened last year, when Ansari, her husband and their baby were driving along a main road. The gang, armed with bricks and chains and accompanied by a snarling dog, surrounded the car, shouting “get the Paki bastards” and “go back to your own country”, before attempting to smash the car windows.
Samina locked the doors while her husband frantically dialled 999, fearing for the safety of the baby in the back seat. One man brought the chain down on to the windscreen, while another tried to smash in through the passenger window.
Muslims have a track record of making up stories like this so we cannot be sure that it even happened. In any case, she says the alleged incident inspired her to make a film to portray burka wearing in a positive light. The film, Hijab – The Light Behind the Veil, was made under the auspices of the Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre and can be seen here.
The film as a whole can be considered a work of propaganda. It shows happy, smiling Muslim women, including, pitifully, some indigenous converts, all talking about how great and "empowering" it is to be wearing a burka or hijab.
But it also contains clear political propaganda. The French decision to ban the burka is denounced, for example:
Open-minded democratic people recognise the decision as a token display from the French right.
So the two-thirds of the British people who favour a burka ban according to opinion polls aren't "open-minded" or "democratic"?
Much of it could be considered not just pro-burka but pro-Islam propaganda:
Islam liberates women and uplifts them to high status of honour and respect.
"So what?" you might say. They're entitled to express their point of view. But let's look at where this organisation gets its funding from. According to their 2009 Annual report, the most recent one on their website, their sources of funding were:
Grant Income 257,083
Donations & Fundraising 7,202
Bank Interest 788
Total Incoming Resources 265,073
So almost all of their income comes from the Scottish taxpayer. The Scottish taxpayer is now paying for the making of Muslim propaganda films.
And why is the taxpayer even paying for a Muslim Women's Resource Centre anyway? Should we really be providing public services on a religiously discriminatory basis? Do we have Catholic Women's Resource Centres? Protestant Women's Resource Centres? Wee Free Women's Resources Centres? No, we encourage Catholics, Protestants and Wee Frees to see themselves as citizens of a unified country by providing services on a non-discriminatory basis. Why don't we do that with Muslims too?
My interview with the Guardian
I have been tagged by the lovely Nickie over at I am Typecast who has tagged me as her own personal "Gok with cocktails". Mmmnn cocktails, now who am I to argue?!
The idea originated over at Mrs Lister's (another lovely blog) who likes to spend her Saturday's eating poached duck eggs and reading the Guardian in bed (lucky, lucky her). So without further ado, here is my interview a la Guardian.............
Which living person do you most admire, and why?
I have thought and thought and thought about this far longer than any of the other questions, the trouble is, I admire lots of people, so I can't single it down to who I most admire most. I can find admiration in so many people.
When were you happiest?
On a beach in South America, drinking cocktails, watching the sunset and HAW asking to marry me, was a truly funny (note to self, must blog about it) romantic and special moment!
What was your most embarrassing moment?
It has to be my DISCOCUNT moment. (note to self, must blog about that!)
Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?
My first car, I worked my proverbial nuts off as wanted a convertible....Got myself a mark 2 GTI and boy did that car go...spent many a happy time in that with the roof down, shades on, pimping the music and winking at boys! It rocked (literally, ha ha)
What is your most treasured possession?
I love my rings, what they symbolise and also the fact they are so darn gorgeous! Aside from that it would have to be my collection of photographs that I have in a suitcase. They represent ME through different years/eras....I just wish I knew how to scan them in!!
Where would you like to live?
So many places....definitely somewhere warm. Definitely by the beach but close to a big town....Barca maybe?? Actually, scrap that it would have to be The Hamptons....or maybe somewhere in Thailand? Heck I can't decide!!
What’s your favourite smell?
My babies when they are all in their jammies, clean faces, clean hair and still warm from the bath.
Who would play you in the film of your life?
I would play myself, I fancy a bit of hollywood action, the closest I get is the Hollywood Bowl!
What is your favourite book?
The Bible. It's the only book I go back to again and again and find inspiration from. I don't read it per se but I just open it on random pages and always find something that makes me think.
What is your most unappealing habit?
I am a fire dragon (according to the kids) I shout. A lot. I was never going to be a "shouty" parent but I just can't help myself. Get your shoes on please x 4 then turns into "GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW WE ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL". I also have shouty kids which drives me insane but unless I change they aren't going to (sorry to my future daughter in laws for that one).
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Would always. always be wonderwoman. I had a girl crush on Linda Carter for a long time. In fact, I still do! Love the costume, love the girl power!
What is your earliest memory?
When I was three I ran into a lamp post whilst having a race with my cousins. I don't remember that but I do remember my Aunty trying to stop the blood pouring out of my head whilst I sat on her washing machine. I don't remember going to hospital and getting stitched up either. I find that bizarre.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Trash TV. There, I said it. Give me TOWIE, ANTM, BNTM and I am happy! I think it's because I can "watch" whilst doing other things, like tweeting and still get what is going on!
What do you owe your parents?
An apology. It takes becoming a parent to realise how difficult being a parent can be. I was a little minx during my teens and even though we laugh about it now (and they really do) I can see I gave them so much heart ache. I was very strong willed and know every trick in the book. (My kids have NO chance)
To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why?
I met a guy called Mark in Rhodes in 1995. He fell in love with me, moved from North Yorkshire to London to be with me and I was a total and utter cow. I really broke his heart and treated him so badly and yet he still stayed with me. When I called it off he was devastated. He was a lovely guy and I wasn't ready for commitment. Mark, if you ever read this, I am truly sorry. I hope you found love, peace and happiness.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My family - HAW, the angels with dirty faces, my parents, my brother. My grandparents whom I dearly miss and my Ipad/Louboutins/birkin
What does love feel like?
Imagine a really cold day, walking along a wind swept beach then coming in to a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. That's what love feels like...the rough with the smooth.
What was the best kiss of your life?
I love kissing, it's the knee trembling ones I remember fondly.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
"Right, that's it. I've had enough, I'm selling you all to the Gypsies". I even have a picture of the King of the Gypsies on my phone that I pretend to call - OOOHHH I am a mean mummy ;-)
What is the worst job you’ve done?
Peeling veg on a Kibbutz in Israel. So, So boring.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would you change?If you could edit your past, what would you change?
If you could change one thing from your past, what would you change?If you could edit your past, what would you change?
A boat on the Thames around 12 years ago. I should have said Yes instead of No.
However, I am a massive believer in Karma. My manta is "It's all about the Karma baby".
What is the closest you’ve come to death?
My first ever girls holiday aged 17. I am not ready to talk about that yet but will do so one day. Just admitting that has made me feel funny.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Aside from my amazing children who will always be my greatest achievement it has to be setting up my own business last year and getting into profit within 2 months.
When did you last cry, and why?
Yesterday reading this so inspiring, so wonderful, so humbled by the kindness of strangers and so proud to be a part of it.
How do you relax?
Lying on my bed with either a good book (currently reading Chanel's autobiography) or just faffing with my ipad.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
If I was 100% healthy, I have an underactive thyroid and metabolism of a 70 year old. Am on meds but still overweight, constantly knackered and weepy at times as a consequence of this. I am amazed at how hormones affect the human body and just want to be back to myself again.
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
It's most definitely all about the Karma Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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