Sunday 8 May 2011

Muslim Agitator Humza Yousaf Appointed to the Scottish Parliament as MSP

A new Muslim agitator has just ascended to the Scottish parliament through the regional list system, meaning no Scot got to vote on him directly. His name is Humza Yousaf although it's notable that the name is sometimes spelled Hamza Yousaf. Muslim malefactors often use the technique of spelling their names in slightly different ways to avoid scrutiny. The SNP website provides some background information on him:
Humza Yousaf, aged 25, has been active in the SNP and Glasgow politics since his teens. Graduating in 2007 from Glasgow University with honours in Politics, he went onto work as a Parliamentary aide to the late Bashir Ahmad MSP, a role he continued up until Bashir's passing.

The SNP's Deputy Leader, Nicola Sturgeon, had a close relationship with Bashir Ahmad. He is said to have looked on her as a daughter.

Humza continued working in the Scottish Parliament for Anne McLaughlin MSP and latterly Alex Salmond as a Parliamentary Researcher up until August 2010. Currently, Humza works for the SNP in their Party HQ in Edinburgh.

Jihadist extremist Osama Saeed, who was an SNP candidate in Glasgow before flocking off to Dubai to work for Al Jazeera, also worked as a researcher for Salmond. It is clear that Muslims have acquired a personal hold over Alex Salmond. According to this story in the Herald, Osama Saeed and Humza Yousaf are cousins.

Humza is an alumnus of the US State Department's prestigious International Visitor Learning Programme, whose other alumni include Rt Hon. Lord Jack McConnell, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

This is interesting. There is evidence, notably from France, that the American government has attempted to reach out to ethnic minorities living in European countries and build relationships with them, bypassing the government of the country. The International Visitor Leadership programme, which essentially involves brainwashing the participants to see things from an American perspective, is invitation-only.

In December 2009, Humza was presented the "Political Force of the Future" Award at Glasgow City Chambers as part of the Young Scottish Minority Ethnic Awards 2009.

Humza has been active in Glasgow in a range of community activities from a young age. He has been a volunteer for the International development NGO Islamic Relief since the age of 10. In the last two years he has voluntarily worked as the media spokesman for Islamic Relief Scotland, helping to manage campaigns during the Kashmir earthquake, the Swat Valley conflict, Haiti earthquake and recent Pakistan flooding.

Like most third-worlders who have been allowed to settle in European countries, he clearly identifies with his sectarian and ethnic interest groups, rather than the country that adopted him. Many of these Islamic charities have links to extremism around the world. I intend to research this Islamic Relief charity further and will make a post about it here if I find anything interesting.

Humza has also been involved in a range of other activities such as volunteering in a Glasgow based community radio station over the last 10 years, youth mentoring and producing and distributing food packs for asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow.

And like most third-worlders in Europe, one of his primary goals is to get more third-worlders into the country so he won't have to feel so out of place.

In this extract from a blog post on a separate site, he makes clear that he intends to agitate further to balkanise Scotland and advance the interests of minority groups at the expense of the Scottish people:

...ethos and the right mentality are, unfortunately, not always enough to eradicate inequality and racism, a legislative framework is needed. Currently, equalities legislation is a matter for the reserved Government; they are moving in a dangerous direction, keen to impose their ‘muscular liberalism’ agenda.

Just as with many other reserved powers, the sooner Scotland has control over the equalities framework the better and only then will we be able to work fully towards a more equal and fairer society for all.

So Harriet Harman's sweeping Equality Act was not enough? He wants to go even further. We can only tremble at the prospect of the new Inquisition he and his enablers in the SNP would like to set up.

His reference to "muscular liberalism" is to David Cameron's speech in which he said multi-culturalism had failed and European governments needed to take active steps to inculcate civilised values in their third-world immigrant communities, rather than allow them to stew in their own natural barbarism, as had been done heretofore. Humza Yousaf clearly opposes this and wants Muslims to be allowed to remain in their state of moral squalour.

The video above shows Humza Yousaf agitating against anti-terror laws, deploying the standard Muslim argument that if the Muslims don't get what they want, they will turn increasingly to extremism. Stripped of the verbiage, this boils down to: do what we say, or else we'll kill you.

When, in 2004, France passed a law that banned the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in French schools, Muslims organised protests in Paris, London and Edinburgh. Humza Yousaf participated in the Edinburgh protest.
Humza Yousaf, who travelled to the capital from Glasgow to "support our Muslim sisters" said: "We feel we have to do something. All we want is the freedom to express our religious right."

At the famous Auctiongate affair in a halal-only Glasgow restuarant, which saw items such as a Pakistani cricket top and lunches with Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon sold off to assorted Glasgow Muslims while the SNP leader and deputy leader sat smiling in attendance, the auctioneer was Humza Yousaf.

The Scottish Islamic Foundation has been one of the great Scottish scandals of modern times. Set up by former SNP candidate, and friend of Alex Salmond, Osama Saeed, a former Muslim Brotherhood spokesman who had been denounced as an extremist by Quilliam and the Centre for Social Cohesion, it was given £400,000 by the SNP government to produce an Islam festival. No festival materialised and it eventually paid back only £128,000 of the £400,000 originally given. In the meantime, its staff largely consisted of Osama Saeed and his family members. One of those family members was Humza Yousaf, Osama Saeed's cousin. He served as director of the foundation for two years. The organisation has been mired in financial scandal. In February this year, its auditors resigned because they had not been paid for work done in 2009. Indeed, it is not clear whether the organisation still exists. Its website is no longer functioning. The Scottish Islamic Foundation had a track record of supporting Islamic extremism. Humza Yousaf served as the organisation's director. Indeed, in light of the recent death of Osama Bin Laden, and the speculation that he might be replaced by Anwar Al-Awlaki, it is interesting to note that former SNP candidate Osama Saeed said of Al-Awlaki "He preached nothing but peace, and I pray he will be able to do so again." Does Humza Yousaf share his cousin's views? I think we should be told.

It seems that Muslims the world over are rejoicing about Humza Yousaf's appointment to the Scottish Parliament. (I say appointment rather than election because the regional list system mean that no one personally voted for him.) He sent this message over Twitter:

Overwhelmed by msgs of support and congrats have received. From my dad's home village in Pakistan 2 New York to right here at home

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