Friday 4 March 2011

More painful than childbirth??

Yesterday I spent the day assuming I had a S+D virus, Pixie had been sick the night before and so when I got stabbing pains/cramps in my left side, I thought I was getting a virus as well.


By 5pm I was doubled up in pain, I got the kids into bed, took some very strong painkillers and tweeted and blogged.  HAW was at a work do, some launch or the other and so I wanted a early night.  I had been drinking lots of water throughout the day and as I was going up to bed I realised I hadn't peeded very much.

I drank a pint and watched and waited as the pain got worse.  I spoke to HAW who was just about to jump on the tube, in the meantime, I called the out of service Dr who said I needed to see someone right away.

Luckily my parents are close by and so my wonderful mum came over to watch the kids whilst I went to A+E.  how I drove there I have no idea, by this time I was doubled up in agony.  I was seen straight away, a urine sample was taken, and I was diagnoised with Kidney Stones.

Treatment nowadays is to pee them out with pain management and anti inflamatory and antibiotics to prevent infection.   I got home and was sick, the pain was unbearable and HAW bless his cotton "drunk" socks was about as useful as a chocolate teapot.  He tried his best but I was so irratable and restless (quite common so google has since told us).

I don't know if any of you have experienced kidney stones but the pain is worse than childbirth.  It really, truly is and at around 2am we called the hospital, a Dr came out pretty quickly and administered a shot of something (morphine/tremasomething) that within 10 mins took the edge of the pain.

I am still in agony, still waiting to pass these goddamn stones, and if they haven't come out in the next 2 days I need to go into hospital to have them out.

Bah humbug.  very pissed off SAM.

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