Tuesday 1 March 2011


Pet Hates

This weeks topic is pet hates, if you want to join in then please click on the badge above.

1) Bad Manners

I cannot abide bad manners.  Whether this is in children or adults, a simple "please" "thank you" or even a smile makes all the difference.   DO IT.  Please ;-)  Whilst I am on the topic of manners, can you also please remember that we have two ears and one mouth, so listen 2x as much as you speak and don't interupt when others are talking.  When eating, close your mouth, chew your food and use proper cutlery.  Do not even attempt to give me supper on a lap, I like to sit at a table with proper cutlery.  Thank you.

2) Lateness

How on earth HAW and I ended up together and happily married is beyond me, I am a control freak whilst he is Mr chill.  His time is always "manana" whilst mine is bordering on the obsession of getting there 10 minutes early "just in case".   He drives me nuts daily, always in bed until the last possible moment, then running around disorganised, you get my drift.   I think it is incredibly rude to be late - FACT

3) Dirty Floors

I have lovely wooden floors throughout my house and I can't bear to see marks on them.  Not easy when you have 3 kids who despite taking their shoes off in the hall, still bring in all sorts of manner of dirt.  I like to see clean floors and hoover downstairs 2x a day.  I have just discovered a solution - a gtech sweeper.  You know those things your Granny used to have? Well it's an electric version and it's FANTASTIC!

4) Plastic Toys

Drive me NUTS, they are taking over my house and I can't wait to move and have a playroom so I can chuck all the toys in there, shut the door and ignore them.  Despite me putting an amnesty onto plastic toys for the past 2 years, the collection grows and grows.

5) Plug in Air fresheners.  They are awful.  They don't smell nice, they don't mask smells, they are overpowering.  If you can't afford decent candles (cheap candles as well are too overpowering) then pick some lavender, dry it and make your own pot pourri.  Or burn essential oils.  Natural and pleasant.

That is all, I could go on.........

Love Grumpy Old Woman

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