Monday 21 February 2011

I was REALLY looking forward to half term, UNTIL....

I opened Beansey's book bag and found a letter about a project that they needed to complete this half term.  We need to re-create an arctic scene, examples are: Sugar cube igloos (simply construct using superglue and cover with dessicated coconut anyone?) skidoos made from lolly sticks (ahem, can someone please tell me where I am meant to get lolly sticks from in Feb, am I meant to be organised and save them from the Summer?)  and my personal favourite construct a polar bear using Papier Mache and fake fur (I can't even spell papier mache, let alone make something from it)

Not forgetting spellings, two books and three worksheets. 

Now this would be fine if we didn't have plans - this is our week so far:

Today - I am working, I don't have any choice there, sorry but we need money to live
Tomorrow - We are meeting friends ALL DAY (how dare we) two hours away, she is a very old friend and we only get a chance to get together in the holidays when all of our children are off school.
Wednesday - Meeting another friend with children - again we only get to meet in the holidays and we have a day at the beach (brr) planned. 
Thursday - HAW is having a day off (hence why I am working today) and we are going into town as their is a brilliant exhibition at the War Museum that the boys are really looking forward to
Friday - I am working and the kids are going out with their grandparents for the day
Saturday - we are going to a friends house for lunch

So I guess that leaves Sunday - the day of rest, the day before we go back to school and when we normally do homework.   Having done a quick google on line it seems that making a sugar cube igloo takes DAYS as you need to let it set, paste it, reset...yadda yadda.

Can you see I'm REALLY looking forward to this?  Any advice or eskimos/polar bears/fake snow is more than welcome - can the world of blogging/twitter help me out here????

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