Tuesday 8 February 2011

Relax Kids - A Review....

The thing I love about twitter is that you quite literally tweet with people you don't know, have a quick 5 minute conversation and the foundation of a friendship is formed.  I have been tweeting with one such lovely lady, Marneta Viegas or @relaxkids for a while now and she asked me if I would like to review one of her CD's which aid relaxation and stress management techniques. 

Unfortunately for the boys, they both seem to have inherited my hot temper - HAW is so chilled out he is virtually horizontal, but I have always been a hot head and it seems as if the boys are set to follow.  As a grown up I have learnt to rein it in but asking a 7 and 4 year old to do the same is near on impossible.  

The CD introduces children to relaxation and stress management techniques by getting them to imagine that they are the characters in fairytales.  This CD has amongst others, Aladdin on his magical, flying carpet, Peter Pan and Jack and The beanstalk.    Each relaxation track is set to music and you absolutely must listen to Marneta's voice as it soothes the quickest of tempers.

Not only is it a good relaxation/calming down CD, it also has lots of positive affirmations which if you are listening at bedtime can't be a bad thing.  Where this CD has come into its own though for us, is on the school run.  We are always stressed and fraught in the mornings and to get into the car and put on the CD instantly calms everyone (but more so me!) and leads to us discussing how we are all feeling  and definitely helps the boys get into the right frame of mind for learning.

I have actually passed the CD onto a friend who is having dreadful problems with her son at bedtime.  He has been unable to "switch off" since starting school in September but after only 3 days of using the CD he is a different child and she is finding bedtimes relatively stress free.  Long may that continue.

Please have a look at Marenta's website here Relax Kids where you will find lots of free downloads and reviews.  She is also a fabulous, chatty tweeter and I am sure she would love to "tweet" you all.

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