Tuesday 8 February 2011

Listography - 5 things for valentines.....

One of my favourite meme's is Listography - Kate takes 5 whereby the lovely Kate comes up with a  topic and we have to take 5.  This week, with Valentines around the corner, the topic is 5 things I would like this valentines, so without further ado (waffle!) here are mine:

1) A lie-in with HAW

How lovely would this be?!  Gone are the days when we used to have a leisurely lie-in with coffee and the papers, now we are lucky to wake up in the bed without a little wriggling person in between us!  Having three kids this happens frequently.  What I find ironic is that even if the kids are at my parents, neither of us can sleep in and are awake by 7am anyway.  Crazy!

2) A new wedding ring.  I must blog about what happened to HAW and I in the Maldives.  It really is funny looking back now but we *must* replace those rings!!!

3) Flowers - I adore flowers and HAW is very good at buying them "just because".  However, he has never, ever, sent them to me via Interflora.  It must be his Scottish Blood!  I would so LOVE to open the door to a massive bouquet.

4) If we are talking about price being irrelevant, I would dearly LOVE a chanel 2.25.  *swoon*

5) A live in housekeeper - This would make my life so much easier, meaning I could spend more time with HAW.

Happy Valentines day Lovely People!

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